Happy Spring Break, WMU!

Routes 19, 21 & 25 will be suspended Friday, February 28 – Sunday, March 9.  We look forward to seeing you all on Monday, March 10 with regular service!

Title VI - Your Rights Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Metro operates transportation programs subject to the nondiscrimination requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

In 2021, Metro adopted a Title VI Plan to ensure compliance with this important responsibility.

If you feel that you feel there has been a violation of these requirements, please review the information below.

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Located at the top of our website, visitor’s can quickly choose English or Spanish as the site language.

Click How to Use Translator Button on Kmetro.com to view a short tutorial (no audio) on how to use the translator button.


How to Use Google Translate for Websites

Need to translate a website into another language? View a short tutorial (no audio) or follow the text directions below!

  1. In your internet browser, go to translate.google.com

  2. Near the top of the page, click the “Websites” tab

  3. Just below this area, select the language that you would like to see the results in

  4. In the “Website” box, type in the website (e.g. kmetro.com)

  5. Click the blue arrow to the right

NOTICE: Your Rights Under Title VI

Metro operates without regard to race, color, or national origin. To request additional information on Metro’s Title VI obligations, please contact the Title VI staff officer at (269) 337-8222. A Title VI complaint form can be obtained at Metro’s website www.kmetro.com, by calling (269) 337-8222, or via mail by writing:

530 N. Rose Street
Kalamazoo, MI 49007

LA NOTA: Sus Derechos Bajo Titula VI

Metro opera sin distincion de raza, color u origen nacional. Para solicitar informacion adicional sobre las obligaciones del Titulo VI de Metro, por favor pongase en contacto con el oficial de personal del Titulo VI en (269) 337-8222. Una forma de queja del Titulo VI se puede obtener en la pagina web www.kmetro.com de Metro, llamando al (269) 337-8222, o por correo escribiendo a:

530 N. Rose Street
Kalamazoo, MI 49007

Traducir rápidamente el sitio web de Metro al español

Ubicado en la parte superior de nuestro sitio web, los visitantes pueden elegir rápidamente inglés o español como idioma del sitio.

Haga clic en Cómo usar el botón Traductor en Kmetro.com para ver un breve tutorial (sin audio) sobre cómo usar el botón Traductor.

Title VI Obligations to the Public

The following examples illustrate the application of the nondiscrimination provisions:

  1. Any person who is, or seeks to be, a passenger of Metro shall be given access, seating, and or treatment without regard to their race, color, or national origin.
  2. No person who is, or seeks to be, an employee of the Central County Transportation Authority, or lessees, concessionaires, contractors, licensees, or subcontractors shall be treated less favorably than any other employee or applicant with regard to hiring, dismissal, advancement, wages, or any other conditions and benefits or employment, on the basis of race, color, or national origin.
  3. No person or group of persons shall be discriminated against with regard to the routing, scheduling, or quality of transportation service furnished by Metro on the basis of race, color, or national origin. Frequency of service, age and quality of vehicles assigned to routes, quality of stations serving different routes, and location of routes may not be determined on the basis of race, color, or national origin.
  4. Location of projects requiring land acquisition and the displacement of persons from their residences and businesses may not be determined on the basis of race, color, or national origin.
Report Violations and Complaints

If you feel a violation of the nondiscrimination requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 has occurred, please do the following:

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) recommends that Title VI complaints be filed first with Metro. If you are unsatisfied with our resolution, you may file a complaint with FTA or the US Secretary of Transportation. All complaints must be filed in writing and will receive a written response.

To file a complaint in writing, direct the information to:
Attn: Title VI Compliance
530 N. Rose St.,
Kalamazoo, MI 49007

Please include:

  • Your name
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • How, when and why you believe you were discriminated against
  • As much background information as possible
  • The date
  • Time of day
  • Names of individuals involved
  • Bus number or route number (if possible)

Complaint forms are available in English and Spanish below. To request alternate formats, please contact Metro at (269) 337 – 8222, visit the Customer Service Desk at the Kalamazoo Transportation Center or visit the Metro Administration Building.

Downloadable Title VI Complaint Form 

Formulario de quejas del Título VI descargable

Title VI Complaint Procedures

Title VI Complaint Procedures:

1. A complaint is received by Metro:

Complaints must be in writing and signed by the complainant or their designated representative. If the complainant is unable to complete the form in writing due to disability or limited English proficiency, upon request reasonable accommodations will be made to ensure the complaint is received and processed in a timely manner. Complainants wishing to file a complaint who do not have access to the internet nor ability to pick up a form will be mailed a form for the complainant to complete. The complainant will be notified if the complaint form is incomplete and asked to furnish the missing information.

2. Complaint is logged into tracking database:

Completed complaint forms will be logged into the complaint tracking database; basic data will be maintained on each complaint received.

3. Review complaint:

Metro’s Title VI Specialist will complete an initial review of the complaint. The purpose of the review is to determine if the complaint meets the basic criteria. Criteria required for a complete complaint:

  • Basis of alleged discrimination (i.e., race, color, or national origin).
  • Determination of timeliness will also be made to ensure that the complaint was filed within the last 180 day time requirement.

4. Initial written notice to complainant:

Within 10 working days of the receipt of the complaint, Metro will send notice to the complainant confirming receipt of the complaint; if needed the notice will request additional information, notify complainant that the activity is not related to a Metro program or activity, or does not meet deadline requirements. Conclusions made in Step 3 will determine the appropriate response to the complaint. Examples of response letters are located in the Appendix C of the current Title VI Plan. If any additional information is needed from the complainant, it will be communicated at this point in the process.

5. Investigation of the complaint:

The Title VI Specialist will confer with the Executive Director to determine the most appropriate fact-finding process to ensure that all available information is collected in an effort to reach the most informed conclusion and resolution of the complaint. The type of investigation techniques used may vary depending on the nature and circumstances of the alleged discrimination. An investigation may include but is not limited to:

  • Internal meetings with Metro staff and legal counsel.
  • Consultation with state and federal agencies.
  • Interview(s) of complaint(s).
  • Review of documentation.
  • Interview and review of documentation with other agencies involved.
  • Review of technical analysis methods.
  • Review of demographic data.

6. Determination of Investigation

An investigation must be completed within 60 days of receiving the complete complaint, unless facts and circumstances warrant otherwise. A determination will be made based on information obtained. The Title VI Specialist, Executive Director, and/or designee will render an action recommendation, including formal and/or informal resolution strategies in a findings report.

7. Notification of determination

Within 10 days of completion of an investigation, the complainant must be notified by the Title VI Specialist of the final decision. The notification will advise the complainant of his/her appeal rights with state and federal agencies if dissatisfied with the final decision. A copy of this letter, along with a report of the findings, will be forwarded to the Michigan Department of Transportation and Federal Transit Administration for informational purposes only.



Have questions for the staff at Metro? Contact Us